"Талх чихэр" ХК-ийн хувьцаа эзэмшигчдийн зар /Англи хэл


2020/04/06 | Хувьцаа эзэмшигчид



“Annual Shareholders Meeting of Talkh-Chikher JSC” was announced to be held on April 20, 2020 at 14:00 in the conference hall of the Company's own building.

However, due to the global outbreak of the coronavirus, the Government of Mongolia has announced a nationwide high level of disaster preparedness until April 30, 2020. At that time, joint stock companies listed on the Mongolian Stock Exchange were unable to convene a regular meeting of shareholders within the legal deadline.

Therefore, we would like to officially announce that our company will organize a regular shareholders meeting in accordance with the current situation using electronic, online and remote technology.

To participate in the meeting and vote, shareholders should register in person at the Company's office between 10:00 am on April 6, 2020 and 1:00 pm on April 20, 2020.

If shareholders want to participate in the e-meeting, please register in the official Facebook group of shareholders of Talkh-Chikher JSC.

The registration deadline for shareholders entitled to participate in the meeting will be April 3, 2020.

Agenda of the meeting:

1. To discuss and approve the conclusion of the Board of Directors on the company's 2019 activity report and financial statements,

2. Approve the company's business plan for 2020,

3. Approval of the salary of the members of the Board of Directors and the budget of the Board of Directors for 2020,

4. Dividend distribution,

Proceedings of the conference can be found by visiting in person or at www.talkh-chikher.mn.

For your courtesy: Registration is based on Personal Identification Card.

Contact phone number: 9913-4516, 9855-5575